Uğur Başak Arpacıoğlu

Uğur Başak Arpacıoğlu Resmi
Integrator and mediator of Body-Mind & Wisdom-Life techniques rooted in ancient wisdom traditions for modern life.
Alternative and holistic health & wellness consultant
Tai Chi, Chi Gong (Qigong) and Martial Arts instructor for children, adults and the elderly.

Teaches benefits of eastern wisdom for improving quality of life, well-being, prevention of illnesses, promoting health, increasing longevity, reducing stress, improving symptoms of chronic pains.

Mind- body- breath-energy integration through meditation in movement.

Zen, meditation, breath techniques coach

Sports performance consultancy for athletes : Fitness, flexibility, body balance, strength and conditioning, active relaxation, motivation, concentration, stress and fear management)

Personal development consultancy with perrenial philosophy approach

Since 2003, Instructor of Tai Chi and Qigong, certified from Pekin University Dr.Chen Yuanmin, Member of Qigong Institute and member of Taiji Europa
Since 2001, Eastern-western philosophy, psychology lecturer, personal development trainer
15 years professional volleyball player back ground (1986-2001)
15 years Architecture profession back-ground (1996-2012) Experienced in retail design, branding, project management, concept development.

Analytical and detailed planner, natural organizer, supervisor, strategic thinker, risk analyser and problem solver.
Multidiciplinary and integrative approach.
Creative and intuitive minded, connecting the dots.
Highly talented in human relations and communication skills.
Tackling with challenges
Eeager to learn from everything and every moment.

Yer Aldığı Etkinlikler

14 Haziran 2014
Tai Chi Çigong ile strese karşı doğal sağlık ve şifa kampı
Oiki Oksijen Kamp / Kocaeli
3 Mayıs 2014
Nefesin TAO’su
Aktiffelsefe Kadıköy Kendini Tanı Atölyesi / İstanbul
2 Mayıs 2014
Antik Uygarlıklar Mitoloji ve Sembolojisi Semineri
Aktiffelsefe Kadıköy Kendini Tanı Atölyesi / İstanbul
26 Nisan 2014
Dünya Tai Chi ve Çigong Günü Kutlaması
Göztepe Parkı / İstanbul
26 Nisan 2014
Dünya Tai Chi ve Çigong Günü Kutlaması
Göztepe Parkı / İstanbul